05-03-2023 00:00:02 >> >> status: Ralat kemaskini data: update bayaran SET id_trans='',trans_datetime='',amount=,mod_bayaran='',status=,responsecode='API',reference='' where id_c=0 and (status<>1 OR status IS NULL);;0;;;;;;You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'mod_bayaran='',status=,responsecode='API',reference='' where id_c=0 and (status<' at line 1, query: ;0;;;;;; 05-03-2023 10:16:48 >> >> status: Kemaskini berjaya: 1, query: 931122075015;7214;2303051014530968;2023-03-05 10:14:52;60.00;FPX;1;sstpm7214 05-03-2023 16:08:27 >> >> status: Kemaskini berjaya: 1, query: 971016025504;7215;2303051607020524;2023-03-05 16:07:01;60.00;FPX;1;sstpm7215