
Unitech America Inc's OnlineCom is an ActiveX Control to support multipoint communication protocol.

Download and install the Active Control now.


To install the ActiveX Control manually:
1. Keep all the dll in the same folder.
2. Run the install.bat

The OnlineCom control supports following functions:
  • property, Ready
         return 1 = OnlineDll.Dll is loaded
         return 0 = OnlineDll.Dll is not loaded

  • function, Wakeup(String)
         Send the String to wake up the portable/terminal
         no return value

  • function, Sleep(Milliseconds)
         make your calling thread Sleep for Milliseconds
         no return value

  • function, SetupEx(Port, BaudRate, StopBit, Parity)
         Set up the Windows communication port
         return 1 = successed
         return 0 = failed

  • function, Connect()
         use the current settings to connect to the portable/terminal
         return 1 = successed
         return 0 = failed

  • function, Disconnect()
         Disconnect from the portable/terminal
         no return value

  • function, GetVersion(Addr)
         Get the firmware version of portable/terminal Addr
         return 1 = successed, use GetVersion_Str to retreve the Version string
         return 0 = failed

  • property, GetVersion_Str
         see GetVersion(Addr)
         return = Version string

  • function, ACK(Addr)
         Send ACK to portable/terminal
         no return value

  • function, NAK(Addr)
         Send NAK to portable/terminal
         no return value

  • function, GetFileLength(Addr, Filename)
         Get Filename's length on portable/terminal Addr
         return 6 = successed
         return 8 = successed and the Filename is in use
         use GetFileLength_Long to retreve the length when successed

         return others = failed

  • property, GetFileLength_Long
         see GetFileLength(Addr, Filename)
         return = Filename's length on portable/terminal Addr

  • function, DeleteFile(Addr, Filename)
         Delete Filename on portable/terminal Addr
         return 6 = successed
         return others = failed

  • function, FindFirst(Addr)
         Find files on portable/terminal Addr for the first time
         See FindNext(Addr)
         See FindName
         return 1 = successed
         return others = failed

  • function, FindNext(Addr)
         Find files on portable/terminal Addr again
         See FindFirst(Addr)
         See FindName
         return 1 = successed
         return others = failed

  • property, FindName
         Retrieve the latest found filename on portable/terminal Addr
         See FindFirst(Addr) and FindNext(Addr)
         return = filename
         note that when return value is zero length string, you should exit loop for findnext

  • function, GetMemSize(Addr)
         Get memory's size on portable/terminal Addr
         See GetMemSize_Total
         See GetMemSize_Exec
         See GetMemSize_Free
         return 1 = successed
         return others = failed

  • property, GetMemSize_Total
         Retrieve the total memory size on portable/terminal Addr
         See GetMemSize(Addr)
         return = total memory size in KB

  • property, GetMemSize_Exec
         Retrieve the executable memory size on portable/terminal Addr
         See GetMemSize(Addr)
         return = executable memory size in KB

  • property, GetMemSize_Free
         Retrieve the free space size on portable/terminal Addr
         See GetMemSize(Addr)
         return = free space size in KB

  • function, DnLoad(Addr, portableFilename, desktopFilename, Timeout, Retry)
         Start to transfer file from windows/desktop to portable/terminal Addr
         Timeout: default = 0
         Retry: suggest = 3
         See StLoad(Stop)
         return 1 = successed
         return others = failed

  • function, UpLoad(Addr, desktopFilename, portableFilename, Timeout, Retry)
         Start to transfer file from portable/terminal Addr to windows/desktop
         Timeout: default = 0
         Retry: suggest = 3
         See StLoad(Stop)
         return 1 = successed
         return others = failed

  • function, StLoad(Stop)
         If Stop=0, it check the current status of the file transfer
         If Stop=1, it force the current transfer be stopped
         See DnLoad(Addr, portableFilename, desktopFilename, Timeout, Retry)
         See UpLoad(Addr, desktopFilename, portableFilename, Timeout, Retry)
         See StLoad_sSize
         See StLoad_lSize
         return 1 = transfer is going on
         return others = failed

  • property, StLoad_sSize
         See StLoad(Stop)
         return = current file's size on portable/terminal

  • property, StLoad_lSize
         See StLoad(Stop)
         return = current file's size on windows/desktop

  • function, WarmBoot(Addr)
         Warm boot portable/terminal Addr
         return 6 = successed
         return others = failed

  • function, ColdBoot(Addr)
         This action will cause data lost on portable/terminal Addr
         Cold boot portable/terminal Addr
         return 6 = successed
         return others = failed

  • function, Bell(Addr)
         Send bell command to portable/terminal Addr
         return 1 = get responsed successfully
         return others = failed

  • function, Loop(Addr, Msg)
         Send Loop Msg to portable/terminal Addr
         See Loop_Str
         return 1 = get responsed successfully
         return others = failed

  • property, Loop_Str
         See Loop(Addr, Msg)
         return = response string from portable/terminal Addr

  • function, Send(Addr, Msg)
         Send Msg to portable/terminal Addr
         return 6 successed
         return others = failed

  • function, Poll(Addr)
         Poll data from portable/terminal Addr
         You need to send ACK or NAK to portable/terminal after calling this function
         See Poll_Len and Poll_Str
         return 1 = data received
         return 3 = no data received
         return others = failed

  • property, Poll_Len
         See Poll(Addr)
         return = size of received data from portable/terminal Addr

  • property, Poll_Str
         See Poll(Addr)
         return = data string received from portable/terminal Addr

  • function, Run(Addr, Program)
         Run Program on portable/terminal Addr
         return 6 = successed
         return others = failed

  • function, GetRunning(Addr)
         Get running program on portable/terminal Addr
         See GetRunning_Str
         return 1 = found running program
         return 9 = no program is running
         return others = failed

  • property, GetRunning_Str
         See GetRunning(Addr)
         return = running program name on portable/terminal Addr

  • function, SetDateTime(Addr, DateTimeString)
         Set DateTimeString to portable/terminal Addr
         DateTimeString uses this format: "YYYYMMDDhhmmss", YYYY for year, MM for month, DD for day, hh for hour, mm for minute, ss for second.
         return 6 = successed
         return others = failed

  • function, SetCommport(Addr, Settings)
         Set Settings for communication port on portable/terminal Addr
         The settings may have different forms for different products
         return 6 = successed
         return others = failed

  • Make sure that your portable's seeting is 38400bps baud rate and address "A"
       before you test the following samples.

  • Wake up and get version   This sample uses the Control by its name.

  • Wake up and get version   This sample uses the Control by its clsid.

  • Read file directory

  • Get file status and size

  • Transfer a file from windows to portable

  • Transfer a file from portable to windows

  • Delete a file

  • Set Date and Time

  • Get memory size