INFORMATION ABOUT SIMPLE EVENTS CALENDAR ---------------------------------------- The Simple Events Calendar allows you to create a calendar of events. Each event can optionally be linked to another web page or to a more detailed description of the event. This description is completely free form text. An administrator page can approve and edit all events. They can also receive e-mail when new events are posted if desired. A user can submit new events for the calendar. Events are for a particular day, and can have a time associated with them or not. Each event can have up to 255 characters of text to display on the calendar. For the event the user can: 1) Just display the event info 2) Have the event link to another web page (optional) 3) Have the event link to a more detailed description > 256 characters (optional) INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SIMPLE EVENTS CALENDAR ----------------------------------------------- This document provides detailed instructions on how to install and configure the system for your system. Currently, this application has only been tested on Windows NT,2000,XP using MS Access, though it should be compatible with other operating systems and databases. ColdFusion Application Server 4.0+ is required. 1) Unzip the the calendar zip file into a directory on your web server. Make sure the Use Folder Names is checked to preserve directory structure. 2) The database, cal.mdb (MS Access 97 format), can be copied to a separate directory for databases if desired. This database can be upgraded to a newer version of Access if desired. 3) In the ColdFusion Administrator, register the database as an ODBC datasource. You may use any DSN name you wish, but 'calendar' is the default. If you change this DSN name, you will need to change the variable value in the /application.cfm page. 4) Update the /application.cfm page to configure the system as you desire. Such as: - auto approve all new postings, or not - allow users to link event to another web page, or not - send e-mail notification to administrator on new postings, or not - allow users to add more detailed information about event, or not - e-mail address of administrator 5) Update the record in the tblSecurity table of the database with the desired administrator password. Set to "calendar" in distribution. Record ID must be 1. 6) You may also wish to modify the stylesheet calendar.css file in the application file root directory. This provides a little more control over font families, colors, sizes, etc. 7) You can administer the system by opening the /admin/login.cfm page. Here you can approve, edit and add events, and list the calendar. 8) Users can submit new events by opening the /add_calendar.cfm page. 9) You can display the calendar by opening the /index.cfm page. 10) Make sure you have an entry for your Mail server in the CF Administrator. Errors have been seen if this is not set. DEMO VERSION INFORMATION ------------------------ If you have downloaded the demo version, you will be limited to 10 events. All pages are encrypted so source cannot be viewed. ORDERING SIMPLE EVENTS CALENDAR ------------------------------- You can purchase the Simple Events Calendar for only $25. This allows you unlimited events and the source code which you can modify as desired. Order by credit card: Email: